For Immediate Release- Delta County, CO-Government March 7, 2025 Thank You, Delta County Community! We are incredibly grateful for the support that helped keep the Delta Correctional Facility open. While…
Watch the KKCO 11 News interview of Greg Pope, Director, One Delta County 2025.02.20
One Delta County: An Economic Alliance (ODC) Elects New Business Member Directors and Officers. One Delta County: An Economic Alliance (ODC) held elections for its 2025 Board of Directors and…
Watch KKCO Interview with Blayne Ferrell, Owner and Founder of Mesa Overland here:
"We're excited to have found the right space hre in Delta, and the support we've received from One Delta County has been invaluable." Read the full Press Release 10.01.2024
The U.S. Department of Agriculture (USDA) announced this week that theDelta-Montrose Electric Association (DMEA) was one of two Colorado recipients of its Powering Affordable Clean Energy (PACE) program. DMEA was selected to…
Western Skyways moving to Delta By Katharhynn Heidelberg | Delta County Independent May 24, 2024 Updated May 29, 2024 After about three decades in Montrose, Western Skyways will be relocating to Delta,…
On November 9, 2023, One Delta County: An Economic Alliance held it's Annual Meeting, discussing various projects they are working on. Among these projects, the potential Workforce Housing Project took…
On November 9, 2023, One Delta County: An Economic Alliance held it's Annual Meeting, discussing various projects they are working on. Among these projects, the potential Workforce Housing Project took…
Dr. Nathan Perry, associate professor of economics at Colorado Mesa University, returned to the conference room of Bill Heddles Recreation Center on Friday for the quarterly economic forum, bringing with…
Dr. Nathan Perry, associate professor of economics at Colorado Mesa University, paid a visit to Delta on Wednesday. The news: a national recession is almost certainly around the corner, but…
Driving down Deltaâs Main Street last March, Kelly Anderson spotted something that would occupy a good part of his time for the next seven months. It was a for sale…
A seven-week employee training program employers can utilize will be available through One Delta County beginning Oct. 5. The classes offered will address self awareness and understanding of professionalism, behaviors…
DENVER & MONTROSE, Colo.--(BUSINESS WIRE)--Guzman Energy has received approval from the Delta County Board of Commissioners for a limited use permit required to install and operate the proposed Garnet Mesa…
Staff Report, Delta County Independent... Bill Hellman of Deltaâs own Hellman dealerships has become one of the first 50 members of the inaugural Colorado Automotive Hall of Fame, according to…
By Lisa Young, Delta County Independent... One Delta County held its first annual meeting at the Creamery Arts Center in Hotchkiss on Thursday, Nov. 18. The event drew board members,…
By Lisa Young, Staff Writer, Delta County Independent... Delta Countyâs labor market has made a full recovery from the depths of the COVID-19 shutdowns in the spring of 2020, according…
By Monica Garcia, Managing Editor, Updated September 14, 2021, Delta County Independent... Blake Bynum has been in the grocery industry most of his life. The owner of Foodtown (or the…
By Lisa Young Staff Writer, July 07, 2021, Delta County Independent... The lack of affordable housing was among the top concerns expressed during the Delta County Economic Forum and Breakfast…
By Monica Garcia Managing Editor, August 04, 2021, Delta County Independent... Have you ever purchased a plant from a local gardening center, and wonder â where did this plant come…
By Monica Garcia Managing Editor May 18, 2021 Updated May 18, 2021 Delta County Independent... To have a strong workforce, employees need to have certain skills. Some of which have been missing,…
By Katharhynn Heidelberg Staff Writer May 14, 2021 Updated May 18, 2021 Delta County Independent... Delta-Montrose Electric Association looks to increase its locally-generated power sources significantly, once a new solar project…
Staff Report May 07, 2021 Updated May 11, 2021 Delta County Independent... In a second overall round of funding from the 2021 Colorado Discretionary Aviation Grant Program, Deltaâs own Blake…
By Don Benjamin, Contributing Writer Delta County Independent... Founder Marjory Wildcraft has developed âThe Grow Networkâ into one of the nationâs leading online sites for those seeking alternative pathways to…
By Don Benjamin Contributing Writer Delta County Independent... Like the steadily-maturing hemp industry, the story of Kadenwoodâs EcoGen BioSciences is both simple and complex. Utilizing a combination of quality raw…
By Lisa Young, Staff Writer Delta County Independent... EcoGen Biosciences located in Grand Junction and Delta recently introduced its âPlant Now, Pay Laterâ program designed to support local hemp farmers.…
Staff Report from the Delta County Independent... At the June 2 Delta City Council meeting, Community and Economic Development Director Elyse Casselberry reported that the full crossover from Delta County…
Staff report from the Montrose Press Delta County announced the recent hiring of Greg Pope to the position of One Delta County manager, a new economic alliance in the county.…
By Natalie Cruz Published: Aug. 26, 2020 at 7:23 AM MDT GRAND JUNCTION, Colo. (KJCT) One Delta County has been in the process since January and it is finally up and running.…
$350,000 grant to North Fork Pool, Park, and Recreation District for the Crossroads Park Ball Field Complex, (NFPPRD) NFPPRD, in partnership with the Hotchkiss Home Plate, a program providing baseball…