Although there were prior economic development entities, it was determined in late 2019 a new approach was needed. Numerous discussions and meetings were held during 2020. The meetings were initially led by the county and included broad based participation from the municipalities, private business and communities. The outcome was One Delta County: An Economic Alliance.
We are a 501(c) 3 non-profit, investor-based corporation
taking a new approach to economic development in Delta County
In addition to private business and entity members, the County of Delta and all six of the municipalities and towns within the county are members. All have equal representation and voting power. One Delta County works in partnership with public and private sectors to strengthen and diversify the economy of Delta County.
The Mission of the Corporation:
The purpose of the One Delta County is to promote, strengthen and enhance Delta County’s economic base including the towns and municipalities of Cedaredge, Crawford, Delta, Hotchkiss, Orchard City and Paonia. Also, to encourage commercial capital investments and to increase the standard of living for all residents through retention, expansion, attraction, and development of new businesses and industry that pays a livable wage.
Specifically, this purpose includes:
The promotion of workforce enhancement
Agriculture and agriculture related enhancement
Commercial and manufacturing enhancement
- Increasing the amount of private investment to lessen the burden on local governments in promoting economic development
- Education, business development and collaboration with our partners to achieve economic diversification and resilience
The History & Achievements of One Delta County.
History of One Delta County: An Economic Alliance (ODC)
- A broad-based volunteer committee which included county-wide representation met for six months during 2020 to discuss and determine the need and desire for a new economic development entity, outline structure and create By-Laws
- Held first Board of Directors Meeting on August 24, 2020
- Hired the first Director, (Greg Pope), in September 2020
- Board Members include a combination of 25 appointed and elected representatives who meet every other month. The meetings are rotated around the county
- A 10-member Executive Committee which includes the elected officers, Municipal representation, the County and a business representative meet each month
- Members include all 6 municipalities in Delta County, The County of Delta, 4 entities, 2 Chambers of Commerce and private businesses. Each member has equal representation regardless of their monetary support
- The first annual meeting of ODC was held November 18, 2021, at The Creamery Arts Center in Hotchkiss. The annual meeting featured presentations by new businesses in the county
- Two Meet & Greet gatherings were held in October 2022, one in Hotchkiss and one in Cedaredge
- The second Annual meeting was held on November 17, 2022, at The Grove in Delta
New Business
- During 2021, three new business were qualified for the state of Colorado’s most robust incentive program, Rural Jump Start.
- Colorado Stone Quarry- manufacturing facility located in Delta
- Colorado Herb- a start-up agriculture procurement and repackaging facility located in Paonia
- Scenic Express- a manufacturing and wholesale retail company relocated from Pennsylvania to Delta. They purchased a house and are living in Paonia.
- An additional new manufacturing business from Maryland purchased a vacant manufacturing facility in Delta and began operations. Although they did not qualify for Rural jump Start, ODC assisted in their relocation and establishment.
- Off Grid Adventure Vans
- A fourth manufacturing facility (a Delta County start-up company) who produces agriculture related irrigation equipment, was qualified for Rural Jump Start in 2022.
- Automated Widgets
- A fifth potential manufacturing facility has been identified for Rural Jump Start in 2023. They are presently looking to purchase property in the Paonia area.
Industrial Parks
- ODC has partnered with Uncompahgre Development Company to expand the existing Industrial Park east of Delta. Uncompahgre Development Company applied for and received a grant from the Colorado Office of Just Transition to fund the purchase of property and funding for planning of the expansion.
- The land has been purchased
- A sketch plan has been approved
- Boundary adjustments are in process
- Additional design and engineering are in process
- We hope to apply for funding during the winter of 2023-2024 and begin construction in 2024
- ODC is partnering with Uncompahgre Development Company to complete pre-planning on 169 acres of land the County owns north of Delta. Referred to as the “Gateway Property”, it is being planned as an additional potential Industrial Park with a possible focus on the creation of renewable energy.
Workforce Training
- ODC co-sponsors the Dr Perry Quarterly Economic Updates with Delta County and Colorado Mesa University. Updates are provided quarterly with two in-person breakfast presentations each year. The most recent was held March 31, 2023.
- In response to feedback from members, ODC developed an employee training program, “The Positive Employee Program” and ODC applied for and received a grant from the Colorado Department of Labor and Employment through Rural Consortium to assist in funding the development of the curriculum and administration of the program. The first Employer Assessment was held on September 20, 2022.
- During 2022 and 2023 a total of 200 employers and employees have completed the class
- Additional employer and employee classes will be held in 2024
Workforce Housing Project
- One Delta County in conjunction with the City of Delta and Uncompahgre Development are working on the planning of a Workforce Housing Project
- The City of Delta owns a 6.1-acre site at the northwest corner of 7th Street and Pioneer Rd which they are willing to donate to the project. Uncompahgre Development purchased a .67-acre access lot on 7th Street adjacent to the City’s property
- One Delta received a CHFA grant to complete concept designs, a feasibility assessment and prepare cost estimates. It also included soil sampling, a topographical survey and a Phase 1 Environmental Report
Other Achievements
- ODC has held conversations with several potential buyers of the Technical College of the Rockies former Mining Technology Center in Paonia, concerning potential uses including mixed use development.
- ODC assisted a Crested Butte business to secure warehouse storage in Delta County in the fall of 2022.
- ODC has made multiple presentations to various groups over the last two years. Calls continue to increase from existing businesses interested in expansion, as well as potential new buyers of existing businesses and new business interested in locating to the county.