Delta County School District excels academically and offers unparalleled schooling alternatives like Montessori, Waldorf and vocational technical options. Delta County School District covers about 1157 square miles and 4958 students with a diverse and high quality curriculum. In addition its excellent standard elementary, middle and high school options, DCSD offers 6 specialty schools, a vocational technical school and multiple early education programs.
In addition to the usual K-12 options, there is an Experiential Learning Academy in Paonia, as well as a number of high quality, unique post-secondary schools. The Technical College of the Rockies in Delta offers an abundance of vocational/technical opportunities, and the CSU Organic Research Station on Rogers Mesa supports agricultural research projects. These institutions foster a robust talent pipeline for Delta County in many different industries.
K-12 Schools
Post-Secondary & Vocational Training
SEI empowers people around the world through the education of sustainable practices. Through the Renewable Energy Education Program (REEP), SEI offers hands-on workshops and online courses in solar PV, micro-hydro, and solar hot water.
Western Colorado Research Center consists of 3 stations that collaborate in the agricultural, biological, soil and water-related sciences, regional engagement in community development, food systems and natural resources projects.
Governed by the Delta County Joint School District #50J, this college receives state and federal funding. Technical education programs offered are approved/accredited by the Colorado Community College System and through the Council on Occupational Education
Located in Gunnison, CO offers engineering, computer and other sciences, and a liberal arts curriculum.The University is public and has about 2,900 students and offers master’s degrees.
Located at the base of the San Juan Mountains, the Montrose and Grand Junction campuses provide access to a variety of associate and bachelor’s degree programs in a scenic, smaller community campus setting.

Delta County Libraries
Delta County Libraries supports five libraries in Cedaredge, Crawford, Delta, Hotchkiss, and Paonia, as well as a robust online library. Its mission is to serve and empower people by providing resources for life, leisure, and learning. The Library District maintains a varied collection of materials in print, audio, visual and electronic formats, as well as a wide range of technology for on-site and home use. The libraries offer an annual schedule of dynamic programming for all ages, including a Summer Reading Program, children’s Storytimes, community presentations and events, book clubs, technology help and so much more.
Delta County Libraries also provides adult education through programming, high school equivalency testing, college exam proctoring, and English as a Second Language classes. The online library available through Delta County Libraries website offers access to books, training videos, language learning courses, continuing education courses, research tools, and more.